The price of gold being at an all time high has allowed people to turn this in for cold hard cash. I have been amazed at the invitations I have received in the last month inviting me to attend a Gold Party. Being able to sell jewelry in New York has become as easy as returning recyclable cans and bottles for cash, except the payoff is much greater. I have heard of people who have attended these parties with a small Ziploc baggie full of broken gold necklaces and walking out with $200.00. The cash for gold concept is becoming both trendy and lucrative for the attendees as well as the host. For most of us; we can search through their jewelry boxes or dresser drawers and find a few pieces of jewelry that have not been worn in years.
This might be broken or tarnished or maybe have a less than pleasant memory attached to it. The earrings missing a match, the necklace with a broken clasp, the very fine gold chain that has that a knot in it that you just cant seem to get out is all worth something when its melted down. The term “worth its weight in gold” has just found new meaning. If attending a gold party is not something that interests you, it is also an option to sell gold online. We have all gotten invitations to those dreaded trendy purse parties and Tupperware parties and toy parties where bringing your wallet was a necessity.
We are told when invited that there was no pressure to buy anything, but still feel the pressure to purchase just because we attended. These cash for gold parties are unique because you really can leave your money at home and walk out richer than when you arrived. If you are invited to a Gold party; think twice before declining that invitation. I speak from experience that you really can make some cash.