If you have gotten into the business of cash for gold or have started to sell gold online, you may have run out of your own gold and jewelry to sell. So where exactly are some of the other places you can find jewelry to sell the gold online? Virtually anywhere! Just think of a few places that are going to either give away gold or sell gold online for cheap - so far I can think of four BIG options for you. First off, you can check out your local flea market. There are always people at these things just itching to get rid of things that they don't think could be worth money.
They want YOU to get it off of their hands! Second off, you can check out garage sales (especially on the weekends). Sometimes people don't know what they have or what it’s worth. This isn't the Country Roads Antiques show… These are people that genuinely just want you to buy their "junk" so they can make room for new items. Well like they say, one man's junk is another man's treasure! Third off, you can try auction sites online like eBay. I can't tell you how many millions of dollars worth of gold there are on auction sites.
People that really have no idea what this gold could be worth - and YOU can take advantage of this. This might be a little more pricey than a garage sale or flea market, but you are also going to get some better quality pieces as well so you can sell gold NYC! The last thing you could do is check classified sites like Craigslist or Kijiji. A lot of these sites have people that are also just waiting to sell gold online. These sites also have "free sections" as well - this is for people that want to do a sort of online garage sale.